George Washington Carver
    George Washington Carver was born in 1860 (apx) in a little town south of Joplin Missouri called Diamond. He was born to a slave woman on the farm of Amos Carver it was never known for sure who his father was but he was believed to be slave on a near by farm. During the war between the States a group of raiders hit the farm, they hung Moses Carver by his thumbs from an oak tree to make him tell them where he had his money hid when the become convinced he had no money, they took George and his Mother, George was later found in Arkansas but his mother was never heard from again. Moses Carver and his wife raised George and his brother as their own children, George being a sickly child he was not required to work in the fields with Moses, but was allowed to work with Mrs. Carver in the house and gardens where developed a love of plants, as well as cooking and needle work, as there were no schools in that area that would take black children they were taught to read and write at home, George loved the outdoors and the surrounding area he had secrets gardens in the woods where he studied plants and became quite good at raising them. He become know to the neighbors as the Plant Doctor as he help them find ways to cure ailing plants. when he was about 12 he moved to Neosha to attend a Negro school he never again returned to the Carvers but would always remember the love and guidance, and influence they had on his life. After getting all the education he could get in Nesoha he walked to Ft Scott Kansas where the attend High School supporting him self with odd jobs and living in the back of a stable and blacksmith shop, after the lynching of a black man in Ft Scott he mover to Iowa he entered Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. he showed promise as a painter but his love of plants convincing him to receive a bachelor's degree in agriculture in 1894. In 1896 he moved to Alabama where he joined the staff at Tuskegee Institute a school for black students. He become head of the Agricultural Department and become interested in finding alternate crops to be grown in the South because of the Boll Weevil infestation that was wiping out the cotton crops. He developed over 300 uses for the peanut in food, cosmetics medical and industrial field. He also worked with sweet potatoes and other crops that grew well in the South. He was a firm believer in crop rotation and soil conservation and worked to improve race relation between the races in the South. During his life he received many awards and spoke before congress many times. He received the Theodore Roosevelt Medal for his contributions to science, he never married and left his estate to the Institute to set up a research foundation for agriculture. In 1951 the George Washington Carver National Monument was established on Moses Carvers 21 acre farm just out side Diamond Missouri. It includes a museum that traces his life from that of a slave to a world renowned scientist and teacher, with walking trails through the woodlands and tallgrass prairie. There is a statue of him as a small boy sitting on a rock looking toward the future. The farm house where he grew up is open to the public. The web site for the park is Jim a lot lesser known Missouri boy. PS for everyone information Mickey Mouse was also born in Kansas City, MO